Hand me a Chair.

If you are a control freak even the title will scare the heck out of you.  If you’re smart, you’ll take a good hard look at the value of this position.  Not all Chairs are created equal. Non-executive Chair positions are non-operational, serve as intermediaries...

7th Inning Stretch in Your Career?

7th Inning Stretch in your career?..I’m leaving my (safe) job for my (scary) start-up. Ignyte has the great privilege to work with seasoned entrepreneurs in early stage companies.  Early stage is not necessarily a startup but a company that is past prototyping,...

Board Meetings with Swagger

Your Board of Directors is a tremendous asset.  Every single person in the room wants each of you to succeed wildly.  You are all investing your passion, time and often money with this shared faith in the team.   If the company (you) has done a great job choosing...