Reinventing Everything(?)

My brother is an old soul and likes to say “Stick to your knitting.”  But for an entrepreneur, that can be dangerous advice – maybe for you?  Because you LOVE to come up with a gazillion new ideas don’t you?   However, maybe he’s still not too far off....

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

I was involved in a company that lost its way.  It was my fault.  I let investors drive culture and priorities, which led to an obscene amount of Board Room meetings.  At first this was exciting.  To have all these great minds, maniacally out-braining the guy or gal...

Build a Badass Operating Agreement

Entrepreneurship is in your blood.  It’s not something you were taught.  You were programmed at birth, it’s DNA.   You find crazy ways that feed your obsession.   When you read a menu, you start thinking about better ways to market the restaurant…a new way to order,...